任向实Xiangshi Ren


    高知工科大学信息学院终身教授、高知工科大学人机共协研究所所长、界华人华侨人机交与协会 (ICACHI) 终身名誉会长。任IBM AImaden 研究中心客座研究员、多伦多大学及国内几所大学的客座教授、日本工程院外籍院士、日本情报处理学会会士、人机交互领域顶刊TOCHI 副主编。

    Tenured professor of the School of lnformation, Kochi University of Science and Technology, Director of the lnstitute of Human-Computer Cooperation, Kochi University of Science and Technology, and Honorary life President of ICACHl. He is a visiting researcher of IBM Almaden Research Center, a visiting professor of the University of Toronto and several domestic universities, a foreign academician of the Japanese Academy of Engineering, and a member of the Japanese information Processing Society Associate editor, TOCHL, Top Journal on human-computer interaction.